Don’t get accused of greenwashing: why brands must back up their claims

Paul Maher, Head of Client Strategy, explains why brands must back up their environmental claims to avoid greenwashing

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The value of awareness, credibility and reputation

Xanthe shares her top tips for building a well-constructed PR campaign with Comms Business, a publication covering the ICT Channel

B2B copywriting tips – taken from the world of journalism

Seeing as it’s National Storytelling Week (27th January - 4th February 2024), we thought this would be a great opportunity to share some tips on B2B writing - taken from the world of journalism

6 Manchester venues for every business occasion

Lizzie has compiled a list of her top places to hold a business event in Manchester - including for roundtables, co-working and creative sessions.

Is print media for the shredder?

With circulation figures for print media in decline, should publishers put their efforts into digital, or is there a reason to press on with increasingly costly print runs?

Fourth Day PR sponsors Stockport girls’ football teams

All Stockport Vikings match kits will proudly sport the Fourth Day PR logo as the girls compete in this season’s Cheshire Girls Football League (Stockport Division).

American investors, AI and living forever

Xanthe attended the Sifted Summit where she listened to funders and startups from the tech industry talking about everything from the latest trends, to thorny topics.

Cultural changes for PR success in Europe vs. the US

Xanthe offers some tips to help US companies connect more effectively with media on the other side of the pond.

The rise of the B2B influencer

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘influencer’? We look at what a B2B influencer actually is, how they can be valuable to your business, and how you can start working with one.

Want to build your reputation across the water? Here are some things you should know

We asked 53 US technology companies about their plans for European expansion & the type of support they want from PR agencies in the territory. Our report shares their insights and our advice.

Fourth Day partners with 53two for pro bono public relations project

We're thrilled to announce a new partnership with Manchester-based independent theatre and arts venue, 53two.

Global digital manufacturer, Protolabs, selects Fourth Day for UK PR

Protolabs has selected B2B tech PR agency, Fourth Day, to manage its UK PR, influencer relations & thought leadership programmes

The power of raising your profile – how PR can help to attract investment

We speak to tech companies at all stages of their journey about the power of PR. This blog shares some key things to consider.

Festival fever at Fourth Day

As we're in the midst of summer festival season, what better time for our team to share their favourite festivals - from Edinburgh, all the way to Casablanca.

Going to Tech Open Air (TOA) in Berlin?

In July, we’ll be back at Berlin’s Tech Open Air (TOA) festival, offering practical tips to technology businesses on how to use PR to raise awareness.

Does reputation matter to investors?

We sat down to discuss reputation and investment with Knight Corporate Finance director, Paul Billingham

AI in journalism – threat or opportunity?

The use of AI is a hot topic in many sectors at the moment - but should it be considered a threat or an opportunity by journalists?

Take a Walk with Fourth Day

Our team are big advocates for getting out in the fresh air - so to celebrate National Walking Month in May, we've shared our favourite spots to go for a stroll with friends, family and colleagues

Work experience - worth it or not?

What can you gain from a work experience placement - and is it worth it or not? Our blog sheds some light on these questions