Our French PR office, Quatrieme Jour, has made a splash this week with their research of how today’s organisations are approaching media relations.
Senior PR consultant Cindy Mouchard and her team undertook the piece of research which questioned 155 French businesses in their approach to media relations. She then created a white paper on the findings as well as this PR infographic.
Articles on the research findings have already appeared on CBNews.fr, Marketing & Com and Le Blog du Communicant.
The research found that 88% of businesses questioned had a social media presence, with Twitter being the most popular.
Interestingly, print articles were still rated the most important, over online articles, social networks and blogs, in terms of quality. Press releases are the most popular media tactic, with almost 50% of those questioned utilising them at least once a month.
Quatrieme Jour is based in Paris and specialises in technology and logistics PR in France and North Africa.
If you would like a full copy of the white paper (written in French), please contact cmouchard@quatriemejour.fr.
View the PR infographic in full size.
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Cindy is part of our French team, living in Rouen and working between there and Paris.