On Wednesday 18th May, we attended the Gorkana breakfast briefing with James Quinn and Ben Wright, joint group business editors for The Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph and Telegraph.co.uk.

Here is what we learnt:


The paper has one business team for all of the Telegraph titles. This means that all of the business writers will have stories online, in the daily and the Sunday paper. This ensures that a story is told throughout the day or week as more details emerge, rather than picked up and dropped until the following weekend.

Morning meetings:

The business team used to have a daily morning meeting to discuss the stories for that day. However, they found that this took up too much time. Instead, the journalists now post their story summaries on an internal online dashboard. The editors then go around one-by-one to the journalists to discuss further and help build the story.

Story telling:

Despite being business articles, the writers always tell the stories through people. Personalities are a big part of business journalism and make the story much more interesting and relatable. So if your client is personable, make the most of this!

Video compliments words:

Video is getting more and more popular on the Telegraph online. It allows the audience to learn something that they might not be able to learn through words.

Graphics, engaging shots and insightful expert explanations make great video content – not just a middle-aged white man in a suit!

International reach:

35-40% of Telegraph readers are based abroad so the publication does like to cover foreign stories.

Online vs. print

Stories that go online and in print are different. Online stories are more immediate and act as summaries. They are then fleshed out throughout the day with more detail, quotes from analysts and CEOs, then published in the paper the next day. When it comes to the Sunday paper, stories will generally be a long read with further in-depth analysis.

The author

Nikki is a director and co-founder of Fourth Day

More about Nikki